ICT Question & Answer For Competitive Examination
1. The smallest unit of information - data
2. The word data means - fact
3. Making data meaningful in special contexts is information
4. Data = data + perspective + meaning
5. Associated with the distribution, processing and storage of information - information technology
6. Published by ICT in Education Program - UNESCO
7. Inside the computer - innumerable circuits
8. Computer stores, analyzes and produces information
9. Computers do important work - 4
10. Mono FM band was launched in 1947
11. The stereo FM band was introduced in 1980
12. Worldwide FM frequency is 87.5-108.0 Hz
13. Broadcasting in Radio Communication System - 3 types
14. Full form of PAL - Phase Alternation by Line
15. There are 41 private channels in the Bangladesh
16. The world's largest network - the Internet
17. Internet Launched - With ARPANET (1969)
18. The US Department of Defense launched ARPANET
19. The term Internet was introduced in 1972
20. TCP / IP was introduced in ARPANET - in 1983
21. NSFNET was founded in 1986
22. ARPANET closed in 1990
23. The Internet was opened to the public in 1989
24. ISOC was established in 1992
25. About 5 crore 22 lakh (32%) internet users in Bangladesh
26. The experimental phase of the Internet 1989-1983
27. TV - One way communication system
28. Inventor of “Global Village” and “The Medium is the Message” - Marshall McLuhan (1911-1970)
29. The Gutenberg: The Making Typographic Man was published in 1972
30. Understanding Media was published in 1984
31. The cornerstone of the world - secure information exchange
32. The backbone of the world - connectivity
33. Mathematical reasoning and decision making can be done with computer
34. Website is the main source of knowledge in today's world
35. EHR Full Version - Electronic Heath Records
36. Automating the overall activities of the office is called - Office Automation
37. IT + Entertainment = Xbox
38. IT + Telecommunication = iPod
39. IT + Consumer Electronics = Vaio
40. There will be artificial intelligence - 5th generation computers
41. Used to apply artificial intelligence - programming language
42. Robot components - Power System, Actuator, Sensor, Manipulation
43. Full form of PCB - Printed Circuit Board
44. In 2500 BC, the Egyptians used cold temperatures to treat skin
45. Napoleon's physician was Dominic J. Larry
46. The first satellite sent into space - Sputnik-1
47. The first man to reach the moon - July 20, 1969
48. Full MRP - Manufacturing Resource Planning
49. The UAV is capable of flying 100 km. Until
50. The full form of GPS - Global Positioning SystemSubscribe by Email
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